HEALTH & POLICYLEGAL GAPS, CONSUMER TRAPS: A Critical Look at Health Product Advertising in IndiaAugust 2024 This policy brief examines the issue of false and misleading advertisements for health products in India.
HEALTH & POLICYPrevention And Management of Infertility in India: A Rights-Based ApproachNovember 2023 This paper examines infertility in India, its prevalence, causes, and consequences, and argues for applying public health...
HEALTH & POLICYRight to Health - Illustrated Court RulingsMay 2022 C-HELP aims to augment legal literacy through this initiative of making judgments accessible ...Available in multiple languages
HEALTH & POLICYEssay on the "COVID-19 and the Constitution" timeline resourceJanuary 2022 The article documents the motivations, aims and methodologies underlying C-HELP's resource, along with the design objectives...
OTHERPolicy Brief: HAPPY TOGETHER - Law & Policy Concerns of LGBTQI Persons & Relationships in IndiaSeptember 2021 Three years after triumphing against the oppression of section 377, LGBTQI rights concerns... Available in multiple languages